RAW Silica 25 lb


RAW Silica 0 – 0 – 3

20 in stock

SKU: VCC-717918 Category:


RAW Silica contains 45% silicon dioxide, which is the highest concentration of silicon dioxide available to the home gardener. RAW Silica is flowable and suspendible in water and naturally available to the plant. Since RAW Silica is a natural form of silicon dioxide, it is pH neutral and does not cloud when added to water. RAW Silica can be used during all stages of growth and bloom for optimal stem and cell wall strength. It is a beneficial supplement to all feeding schedules. A 2 oz package of RAW Silica makes up to 200 gallons, an 8 oz package makes up to 800 gallons and a 2 lb package makes up to 3200 gallons.

Additional information

Weight 27 lbs


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